
Majority of MPs are in favor of the legalization of gaming in Brazil

Recent research shows trend favorable to approval in the Chamber

The Paraná Research Institute interviewed 238 Brazilian federal deputies between May 27-31, 2019. The question asked to the parliamentarians by the survey was “Are you in favor or against the legalization of all gaming in Brazil, that is, the legalization of casinos, “jogo do bicho”, bingo houses, video gaming and online gaming?”. Most of them were in favor of the legalization of gaming in Brazil.

The percentage of support from the MEPs in each region of the country was as follows:

Southeast: 54.8% favorable

Northeast: 53.8% favorable

South 50% favorable

North / Central West: 46.9% favorable


Majority of MPs are in favor of the legalization of gaming in Brazil

To parliamentarians opposed to legalization, the survey also asked what were the reasons for opposition to the legalization of gaming.

And the result was: 20.6% argued that there could be money laundering, 17.2% cited the increase in pathology (addiction), 10% placed religious reasons, 9.7% expressed concern about supervision, while 9.2% of the parliamentarians opposed to legalization mentioned fearing the lack of control of the practice.

Parliamentarians prefer casinos installed in touristic cities

To parliamentarians in favor of legalization, the Paraná Institute also asked: “Regarding casinos, if legalized, do you think they should be installed in any locality, in touristic cities, in low HDI (Human Development Index) cities, only in integrated resorts or are you indifferent on location?”

And the result was this:

40.1% prefer the installation of casinos in touristic cities

21.6% would like to install casinos in cities with low HDI

16.2% are indifferent about the location of casinos

8.4% said they are in favor of the installation in any locality

7.2% said they were in favor of installing casinos only at integrated resorts


Majority of MPs are in favor of the legalization of gaming in Brazil

If we consider only the 40.1% of the deputies who said they were in favor of the installation of casinos in touristic cities, participation by region is:

South: 56.7%

Southeast: 39.7%

Northeast: 34.7%

According to the Games Magazine Brazil website, the survey was delivered to the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, to the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, who are both in favor of the proposal.

The research was also sent to the economy minister Paulo Guedes, a great enthusiast of the free market economy, who also has several plans to remedy the Union’s accounts.

In fact, there are two projects underway in Brazil, which are interesting to the gaming industry as well as the Government.

One of them, is the approval of the substitute to PL 442/91, that is in transit in the Chamber of Deputies. The other alternative is the advance of PL 186/14 that is already in the Federal Senate.

Economic crisis prompts proposals of gaming legalization

According to news published on the website of the Legal Game Institute (IJL), the Brazilian crisis forces the government to seek new sources of revenue. That would be a positive factor for Congress to accelerate debates over gaming legalization.

Lobbyists have debated the federative pact, headed by the group of politicians called Mixed Parliamentary Front, which elaborated the Regulatory Framework for Games in Brazil.

The Ministry of Economy follows the guidance of President Jair Bolsonaro, who said that Parliament should decide on the issue.

Want to know everything about the liberation of gaming in Brazil? Follow the Pay4Fun Blog.

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