
Gaming websites in Brazil and digital marketing

How digital marketing agencies can help the growth of gaming websites in Brazil

Everybody knows that Brazilian people love sports. And the fact that the country has recently hosted some of the world’s most important sporting events, such as the World Cup in 2014 and the Olympics in 2016, has helped gaming websites grow a lot in Brazil in recent years.

According to the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, it is estimated that the online gaming segment currently moves US$1 billion per year. Several companies in this segment have been expanding their operations in Brazil, attracted by the increasing number of users connected to the Internet who have great interest in sports.

Despite the desire of Brazilians for this type of entertainment, the gaming market in the country is still small, taking into account the size of the potential consumer market that can still be explored here.

After the promulgation at the end of 2018 of Law 13.756 /18, which created the country sports betting modality, the market should get quite heated and the expansion of activity is likely.

Gaming sites: a great move for Brazil

Most of the platforms in this segment host their sites abroad, in countries such as the UK, Uruguay, and others. Companies specialized in local payment intermediation play a key role in facilitating betting and financial transactions. Local Fintech companies have the capability of boosting the Brazilian gaming market.

Gaming sites have a great potential for tax collection, which can help in reducing Brazil’s fiscal deficit. A KPMG survey, conducted at the request of the Remote Gaming Association, states that tax revenue from legalizing betting in Brazil will be around 1.3 billion reais.

SEO and Link Building: The keys to gaming growth in Brazil

The role of digital marketing agencies will be fundamental in the growth of gaming sites in Brazil. But, this is not just about paid advertising.

Gaming sites can be found through organic searches. However, they need to be heavily optimized through SEO and Link Building techniques.

On-page SEO work aims to optimize Google searches through strategies related to programming, text, codes, keyword choice, menus, navigation architecture and site loading speed.

Link Building is about ensuring valuable mentions for companies on other sites which, in addition to boosting the gaming websites position in organic search, helps to improve brand communication and recognition.

This is why SEO, Content Marketing and Link Building jobs, when adopted in an integrated way, are able to build a network of relevant leads for the website. This can leverage site authority considerably on Google search pages.

Therefore, it is essential for gaming companies that want to work in Brazil, to seek help from local digital marketing agencies. That’s the best way to increase local clients for the gaming websites.

A good marketing strategy creates competitiveness in the still unexplored, giant potential Brazilian market for gaming websites.

If you are a gaming company there is an excellent opportunity to expand your market share in the largest country in South America.

Continue following  Pay4Fun blog, and always find the latest news about the gaming market in Brazil.

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